(New York) – The ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) appears to have been involved in electoral fraud in Cambodia’s July 28, 2013 national elections, according to residents and ruling party officials interviewed by Human Rights Watch. All allegations of election fraud and other irregularities, including bias in the election
machinery, should be promptly investigated by an independent commission.The CPP-controlled National Election Commission (NEC) released preliminary results showing that the ruling party won 68 seats and the opposition Cambodian National Rescue Party (CNRP) won 55. Based on the same results, the
CPP won approximately 49 percent of the national vote, while the CNRP won approximately 44 percent. The opposition has claimed widespread fraud and called for the creation of an independent expert body that includes the United Nations and nongovernmental groups to examine the results and address
irregularities.“Senior ruling party officials appear to have been involved in issuing fake election documents and fraudulently registering voters in multiple provinces,” said Brad Adams, Asia director. “And people from the party seem to have been turning up in places where they clearly don’t live and insisting on voting – not to mention the many other claims of fraud around the country.”A CPP village chief, who asked for
anonymity to protect his security, gave Human Rights Watch an insider’s account of how ruling party authorities in his district engaged in electoral fraud by issuing fraudulent “Identity
Certificates for Elections” (ICE) before
the July 28 elections. The certificates
allow people whose names appear on voter
registration lists to vote even though
they otherwise lack proper
identification documents.
The village chief, whose local CPP
superiors worked under instructions from
a CPP Center-Level Work Team headed by
an army general and a CPP Central
Committee member, told Human Rights
Watch that his immediate party superiors
directly oversaw the illegal issuance of
certificates. He explained that a member
of the general’s team gave the
instructions to issue certificates in
the names of villagers who were on the
voter registration rolls but were known
either to be dead or to have long left
their original homes.
The work team member allegedly arranged
for soldiers and their wives from an
army division stationed in the province
to be photographed for certificates.
These were then issued by CPP commune
and Interior Ministry officials, who
allegedly conspired in the scheme to
falsely certify these soldiers and their
wives as local residents eligible to
vote in the commune where these
officials were responsible for voter
registration. One media report, which is
consistent with other accounts,
recounted villager descriptions of army
-organized voting by thousands of
soldiers shipped across provincial
boundaries in military vehicles to vote
in parts of Siem Reap province where
none of them had ever been seen before.
“Issuing hundreds of thousands of fake
identity certificates was allegedly one
of several key ways the ruling party
organized large scale election fraud,”
Adams said. “Now, a CPP village chief
has confirmed that this happened in his
In another case, villagers in Kandal
province, adjacent to the capital, Phnom
Penh, described to Human Rights Watch
efforts by senior CPP officials to vote
in more than one place. When confronted
by local residents, the party officials
threatened them with arrest and later
returned and made death threats.
Numerous residents of Koki Thom commune
in Kandal interviewed by Human Rights
Watch said that on election day, Ngo
Sovan, whose business card states that
he is “minister delegate attached to the
prime minister” and specifies that he is
a secretary of state at the Ministry of
Justice, arrived in their commune to
vote. He was accompanied by other
members of the party’s grassroots
strengthening team assigned to the area,
as well as by Heng Seksa, whose card
says he is a “deputy secretary-general
of the Royal Cambodian Government,” and
an entourage of dozens of government
officials from Phnom Penh.
The villagers protested the group’s
attempt to vote there, asserting to
local electoral authorities that none of
the people were local residents. The
local electoral authorities, whom the
villagers described as linked to the
ruling party, nevertheless allowed the
group to cast ballots.
Ngo Sovan’s team included several
national level civil servants. According
to the national voter registration list
compiled from official data on the
National Election Committee website and
examined by Human Rights Watch, Ngo
Sovan was registered to vote in three
places. The first (voter registration
number R-1424108) is at his known
residence in Phnom Penh, where he is a
prominent figure and resident, according
to local residents Human Rights Watch
Ngo Sovan is also registered in the
provinces of Kandal (voter registration
number R-6132454) and Svay Rieng (voter
registration number R-6851267). He heads
ruling party election grassroots
strengthening or work teams in both
provinces. In Kandal, Ngo Sovan also ran
as a CPP candidate for the National
Heng Seksa, who accompanied Ngo Sovan in
Kandal, was registered to vote in both
Phnom Penh (voter registration number R
-6354916) and Kandal (voter registration
number R-6132299), according to official
data from the NEC website.
Villagers told Human Rights Watch that
members of the entourage threatened them
with arrest during the confrontation
over whether the group’s members would
be allowed to vote. After polls closed,
a contingent of “flying tiger”
motorcycle police arrived in the area.
Villagers told Human Rights Watch that
the police said they were looking for
“ringleaders” of the “disturbances” that
had occurred when the ruling party
group’s voter registration was
The morning after the elections, some
members of the group reappeared in the
village along with others, including one
armed man in civilian clothes, who
attempted to identify and apprehend an
alleged “ringleader.” Two witnesses told
Human Rights Watch that members of the
group threatened to kill villagers who
refused to provide information on the
whereabouts of the alleged ringleader,
whom the group also vowed to kill and
who has gone into hiding.
“The multiple voting scheme suggests the
possibility of systematic election fraud
by the CPP and raises serious questions
about the credibility of the election,”
Adams said. “Since the National Election
Committee and local election commissions are under the ruling party’s control, influential governments and donors
should demand independent investigations into these and other credible
allegations of election related
irregularities. Without this, it’s hard
to see how Cambodian voters can have
confidence in the legitimacy of the
elections and the new government that